monsters who came

Wednesday, 14 August 2013


Hi guys! I'm back with another blogpost because i haven't done one in quite awhile. I decided to touch on this topic because I think that i need to explain this CLEARLY to
everyone out there. This is just my opinion on the topic, maybe some
of you can relate to my way of thinking and maybe some of you disagree, but i'm just going to share my feelings about JUDGING.

First things first, judging others is INEVITABLECertain to happen; unavoidable.
It is just how our society is and we just have to accept it. Yes, people say don't judge others when you don't know them but frankly, we all judge each other by the way we look, dress, live our way of life. Judging isn't always bad, it can be good as well. But I think that judging someone's looks is okay but judging BY LOOKS is NOT OKAY.
I know that phrase seems confusing but this is what i mean:

Let's say I see this guy, he isn't the most handsome guy and I think that he isn't that good looking. THIS JUDGING IS OK BECAUSE WE ALL HAVE OUR OWN OPINION ON THINGS. Some guys like thin girls, some guys like fat girls, some girls like chubby guys, some girls like buff guys, people like/love different things/people.

HOWEVER, it's when you judge BY LOOKS. Like you see this girl walking past you or you came across her profile page and she is super pretty, barbie like, lots of makeup, super thin and you just come up with your opinion that she's a slut, whore, bad bitch. THAT IS NOT OKAY. because you just judged her personality based on her looks. That is VERY UNFAIR because you have no right to say that about her. she could be wearing tons of makeup because she feels insecure and it's the only way she feels like she can walk out of the house with her head up high. Maybe she's thin because people used to call her fat and she became obsessive with dieting. You don't know her background and you just assume that she's some kind of slut, whore or bitch? Now THAT IS A TOTALLY UNFAIR JUDGEMENT.

People go by the saying; don't judge me if you're not perfect yourself. Well you see, we all aren't perfect. we all have our flaws. we all don't like our flaws being pointed out so we take it as an offense that someone has "judged" us. I have accepted my flaws and i don't see how people can't accept them too? like they have flaws as well. so accept me for who i am and i will do the same. But just cause of my flaws, doesn't mean i'm a bad person, it doesn't mean i'm a slut. IT DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING. 

This is honestly true, i am OKAY with people calling me ugly/not super pretty/decent only. I am not aiming to be the prettiest girl, i obviously would GLADLY BE but i'm not. If people think i'm not good looking then so be it, but don't say i'm a bad person cause of my looks. Don't judge my personality based on my looks. I have a reason for everything I do. There would DEFINITELY be a pool of people who would disagree to my lifestyle but everyone has their opinions and choices so why can't i have mine? 

A lot of people try to back themselves up saying; only god can judge us etc. It's true. I am a christian so i believe that but I'm telling you in our society, EVERYONE JUDGES. Boys go down the street and judge the girls they see or the other boys they see. Girls go down the street judging other people. It's a normal reaction to look at someone and form your own opinion about them but DO NOT LABEL THEM AS A BAD PERSON JUST CAUSE OF HOW THEY LOOK. 

It's really common and i see this all the time, not only to myself but to other girls as well that the word slut is used a lot and it's quite unfair to say that. Just cause some girls dress a certain way, maybe with a little skin showing and maybe they dare to show a cleavage but they are just flaunting what they have, that doesn't mean they are sleeping around with boys and wasting their life. Maybe they are comfortable with that dressing and maybe you're not. Like i said before, everyone has different opinions and that's why people start to judge.

Yes i admit, i judge people but i never EVER judge someone and say oh she's a slut because she looks like one/ he's a loser just cause he looks like a nerd/ he's buff so he must be some douche bag. I have my own opinion whom i think is good looking or not good looking. Personally i don't see a problem with that. it's like how people say justin bieber is so ugly, but i think he's hot. or miley cyrus is some slut cause she dresses like one, but i think that she's just experimenting and growing up plus she has the means to act that way and she just wants to have fun.

Maybe after reading this, some of you would agree with me and maybe some of you don't. OH well just wanted to share my view on this topic because it's pretty ridiculous on how people make such a big issue on this. if someone calls you ugly, just flip your hair and be bold and beautiful. You only need yourself to feel that way. once you feel that way, and your heart is beautiful, others will see it too and then you will truly be the most beautiful. WE ARE ALL BORN WITH DIFFERENT FACES AND DIFFERENT FEATURES. Accept them and just look your best. Be YOUR best.

That's all i have to say for now so thanks for reading and GOOD LUCK! xx

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