monsters who came

Sunday, 1 June 2014


So usually girls have our little makeup pouch in our bags just cause we need 
a little touch up on our makeup when we head out as the HUMID WEATHER just
ruins all the handwork and effort on our faces.
I recently bought this at H&M only for $3.90 so you can get one as well! I'm just going to show you
some of the items I put inside my "rescue kit"

Firstly I put in my mascara (only on days i decide not to be lazy enough to wear mascara). This one's from Maybelline NY. You can get it from any drugstore near you which in my case is watsons or guardian!

Second is the most necessary; eyebrow pencil! I use the mac dark brown eyebrow pencil and it's my favorite only because I don't have to sharpen it, you just have to twist the top and it will refill itself! I never stopped using this the day I have bought it and so far I already finished up 3 pencils. If you finish 6 of these eyebrow pencils, you can go to a M.A.C store to recycle them and get a free lipstick of your choice!

The third item is my eye liner. I hardly wear eyeliner anymore but if I do it is always for formal/dress up events hence I decide to use a liquid liner. I love how smooth and easy this Maybelline liquid liner is! (yes maybelline is probably my fav drugstore brand)

Fourth item on the list is my M.A.C 168 brush because I do put my blusher in the rescue kit as sometimes the blush seems to fade away after half a day. 

5th is my blush from M.A.C called "fleur power", I actually got this as a present and it gives my face a lovely color in contrast to my pale skin
*try applying your blusher as a bronzer! Use a blush to contour your face! It's actually quite nice*

Lastly my new FAVOURITE LIPSTICK (also from M.A.C) called "DIVA". I have been trying to look for a dark colored lipstick for a long time and every time I tried on a dark lipstick it doesn't seem to turn out "dark" on my lips except THIS ONE. Another alternative would be "rebel" from M.A.C too but i found the color to be not as dark.

So that's all I have for today and sorry I haven't been posting much on my blog just because I'm so busy with school!

It's the start of the June Holidays for my Singaporean peeps so have a happy holiday lovelies and I'll try to blog more soon!

check me out on
Instagram: babykyliee
Kik: kylieteo


Friday, 20 December 2013

Myself as a Christian

I guess that most people would know that I’m a Christian.
But I must admit that I’m not a strong believer.
Just like most of my fellow friends, I go to church every Sunday, pray to God, sing to his glorious tunes and do my part as a believer. However, I don’t do that anymore. Actually it’s more like I’m indecisive if I belong to such a strong community of firm believers. Sometimes I decide that I want to go to church but other times I would have other priorities or I just didn’t feel like going that Sunday.  Let me explain my journey as a Christian and where I have landed myself. Maybe some of you can relate to me, some of you are definitely going to oppose me. This is my opinion, my take and my story of faith.

There are always times in life where things are a little tougher than usual. But this is only just normal. My dad used to tell me that we can’t change the circumstances but we can always control our reactions. How we respond to these moments of crisis does say a lot about our character and our worldview. It says a lot about faith as well. We all want to believe that there is someone of a huge authority watching over us, taking care of us through the storm and tumult of this world. We hope for someone to create endless opportunities for us to showcase the best we can be through all the uncertainty.

Ask yourself
“Where do you go when the water rises?”

How you answer this shows a great deal about your faith in yourself- and in God.
Most of my friends around me were Christians. They had a weird confidence in me. But that’s what friends are for, aren’t they? They fill your head with the idea that anything is possible and they push you to believe in yourself. There’s strength in numbers. The older we get, the more we’ve come to understand that the keys to happiness can’t be found in praise, money, plaques or whatever it is we seek in our workaday lives. Those things are pretty nice, but they are a little beside the point. We need to go deeper than trappings or accolades if we seek TRUE happiness and fulfillment and meaning. You need to work if you mean to make yourself a better person, or a difference, or count for something at the end of your days. I know this sounds a bit cliché but it’s the truth isn’t it?

The lessons of the Bible, the insights we draw from one another. I use the Bible as a personal road map on how to live, how to improve myself. Reality is, many of us say we’re looking for religion and meaning to our lives. But then we go to church every Sunday; singing holy songs, dip our fingers into holy water and wait for some kind of epiphany. Once we walk out of those halls of glory, we never really have another thought of God until the next Sunday. That is how it is for the most of us, or well, at least for me. I go to church because that’s what you do, or what I was taught to. I don’t beat myself up if I can’t make it to church. But that’s who I am.

That however isn’t the only point of connection I had with God. I found God everywhere around me. I find God in the Bible, in the random acts of kindness I witness every day, in the choices I make and the way I interact with others. The hardest thing to do however is to keep God and religion as an integrated part of our lives. It’s not always easy to set a side a few minutes of absolute reflection. It’s not a lot of time, 20 minutes let’s say, but you’d be surprised on how hard it can be to carve out those moments.  Sometimes I’ll talk to myself as if I’m talking to Him, hoping that he is listening to my need in every wish. Coming to him with my problems and life challenges was becoming a routine, and I found it okay. Sometimes I’m real busy and then I decide to have this 20minutes of reflection in the bus. But then I don’t want to take my headphones off because I’d like to listen to the tunes of the latest tracks or the radio. You can’t just talk to God with DJ Juicy M’s remix in the background. How would you feel if someone talked to you with that blaring on the speakers?

I don’t see church as a place that God only dwells in. He’s everywhere, through his creations around me. Some non-believers will start saying “if God existed, then why does he allow disasters to happen?” or “why does bad things happen to good people?”. It’s always the same answer; free will. God gave us the ability to act and think and choose for ourselves, and that’s why unfavourable things happen. It’s not always moments of difficulty that leave us looking to God’s hands because he is with us in moments of triumph as well. The Bible is filled with stories of individuals meeting with great and sudden success, only to find themselves in dire circumstances because they don’t know how to keep humble in the face of it.

How is it possible not to return hatred to those that hate you?
How to walk a lonely road and become the leader you are meant to be?

Faith is the key.

Let me give you an example.
Tsunamis happen in the Asia region quite frequently over the years. You might ask, “Why did God create that?”
But the more salient question was why the leaders over there didn’t put in a warning system, why did they leave all those people vulnerable to this type of natural disaster.
Why did those mud slides occur a couple years later, when any decent environmental engineer could have told you not to cut down all those trees from the slopes along the coastline?
Maybe if the government hadn’t looked the other way while these people cut down all those trees, because they were poor and desperate for the riches their resources might bring, then perhaps the tsunami and the resulting mudslides wouldn’t have been so calamitous. Free will does open up the world to a lot of horrible outcomes. It opens up an answer for why God “allows” these kinds of horrible things to happen- namely because WE allow them to happen.

Most people would already know that I do associate myself to the entertainment industry of clubbing, partying and drinking, occasionally. Sometimes I post pictures or having my wallpaper of certain social networking sites of tumblr girls smoking or cigarettes. That confuses a lot of people about me. Critics use these against me all the time, telling me off “You’re a Christian! How can you act like this? After all God has done for you?” There is guilt after all but I don’t regret in my life decisions. This is the way I wanted my life to be carried out. This was my way of happiness and taking a break from our hectic lives. Maybe you have a different way; finding peace and tranquility in reading or working out. Everyone is different, and this is why our choices are different. Christians would say all these are out there to tempt you and you’re supposed to not be tempted by the Devil. I guess my whole life isn’t really about God. You break a few rules in life just to taste the thrill but don’t go overboard, it’s hard to pull yourself back up the boat afterwards.

But other than partying and drinking, there’s nothing else in my life that isn’t associated to God. I guess those two are my breaks from everything and everyone. Enjoy life while you can. But there are different ways of enjoying life, different perspectives of joy. This was mine.

I know even at the end of all of this, some people are still going to hate on me saying I’m not a very good Christian, which I do admit to. But I really don’t care anymore because my life is between God and I. It’s really his decision to decide if I’m a good or bad person, to send me through the gates of hell or heaven. But everything in my life has meaning and a reason. Yes sometimes I’m reckless but I’m only beginning life, aren’t I?
I make mistakes, sometimes it takes years just to realize it’s been there the whole time. I go through stages of doubt and fear and insecurity. But I know that someone can be there for me all the time, anywhere, it doesn’t have to be church, it can be in the comfort of my bed, and that’s God.

My mother, besides one uncle and aunt in my family, is the only one who believes in Him. But she doesn’t attend church at all. I don’t think I can recall any memory of her ever bringing me to one either. It was my friends who really introduced me to this religion when I was merely 13. But my family was like me, they were unsure of a God but they used the Bible as a guide in life. It was hard convincing nonbelievers because there isn’t any true evidence to anything besides the Bible itself.

I love God because he opened a path for me to go to through my darkest times and I share my glory with him. I do let him down because sometimes I prioritize materialistic things over him. But I’ll never forget that he’s there. Maybe after some time I’ll let go of some of my bad habits but the reason wouldn’t be for God. Like I said before, I’m not the best Christian and I don’t think I’m a good one either but I am still a Christian and this is how I choose to live my life and my perception of it.

Friday, 8 November 2013


Hey girls! I'm back and this time 
I'm here to blog about PROM OUTFITS!
Oh this is so exciting! Prom is just around the corner for everyone hence I've decided to help all of you sexy gorgeous ladies out with your OUTFIT DECISIONS! I'm just going to do this blog by giving you ideas on outfits that match with different types of body shapes!

Let's get started shall we? (:

Okay i don't really know how many body types there are and quite frankly, we are all different shapes but i'm just going to simplify this into 4 different body types!
-slim (straight body cut)
-hourglass figure (wide in the chest and waist)
-apple (wide all round)
-petite (small and short cuties)

In addition to this, some of the fashion trends right now for prom dresses includes; sequins, beads, ombre, crystal detailing, lace, halter and cutouts! 
But these are just SOME of the trends that are in right now! I'll try my best to incorporate them into your cute prom outfits!

Okay I know some schools have their prom in the morning till afternoon and some schools have it at night so I'll make sure that each body type will have a morning and night example of a perfect prom dress!

This is probably my kind of body type; i don't really have a distinct waist line or anything UNFORTUNATELY :( but here are some cute ideas I've come up with!

Morning dress

KYLA PRINTED MAXI DRESS from forever new 

I think that floral really suites the morning look, it looks refreshing and bright! It will totally make you look so gorgeous and elegant!

Night Dress


This sparkly crystal gown with a high low cutting  will show off a little of your long beautiful legs still keeping it conservative! This dress will make you feel like a princess don't you think?


Morning dress


Night dress

This time I'm taking a look from the wonderful KYLIE JENNER! She's wearing an ombre bandage dress which will totally outline your sexy hourglass figure like how it did for her! 


Morning dress

Teens Black and Gold Foil Lace 

Skater Dress from New Look

Night dress

This time I'm taking inspiration from the beautiful Amber Riley! She really pulled off this gown like a queen!


Morning dress


Night dress

Okay that's it for now! I tried already taking clothes from stores that are available in Singapore but you can always look for ones similar to these! If you think prom dresses are going to be too expensive for you, don't worry! Go down to far east or bugis street and they have stores there selling exactly the same BEAUTIFUL GOWNS AND TUTU LIKE DRESSES FOR SO MUCH CHEAPER! There are even rental ones! I've been to those places to check them out myself and it's definitely a good deal!

Hope you guys have a wonderful prom!!!!

ask me:
check me out on
Twitter: @babykyliee
Instagram: babykyliee
Kik: kylieteo


Monday, 9 September 2013


Hi guys! I've decided to come up with a fashion blog for this week!
Since it is the school holidays right now, I'm sure you'd like to put in a little more
effort into your outfits when you go out with your friends and family!
Here are just some ideas!
this is called 


Top: Floral - Brandy Melville
Bottom: Grey Jeans - Topshop
Bag: Balenciaga
Outerwear: Blue Cardigan - H&M


Top: Striped top - Forever21
Bottom: Grey Jeans - Topshop
Shoes: Black Dr Martens


Top: Diamond Tee - Forever21
Bottom: demin shorts
Outerwear: Grunge Hoodie - Topshop


Top: Blue long sleeved crop - Topshop
Bottom: Skater skirt - cotton on
Wallet: Tory Burch


Dress: Bethan dress black - Brandy Melville


Dress: Floral - Topshop


I will upload a day 7 outfit when I do go out! Then that will be the ultimate last outfit for this fashion blogpost!

Hope you guys get some ideas! I know I don't have a lot of accessories because most of the time i do rush out of the house and I don't have the time to throw on my accessories! If you really want me to make a FULL FASHION blogpost! Do let me know and i'll try to do one after my exams!

Have fun this holiday!

ask me:
check me out on
Twitter: @babykyliee
Instagram: babykyliee
Kik: kylieteo


Saturday, 7 September 2013


Hi there everyone! 
I'm back with a new blogpost because someone requested me to do one!
If you are updated with my twitter & instagram, you would know how often i head to the gym haha
well that's just one of the ways to keep healthy!
this blogpost is for the people who are unhappy with their bulging stomach, overweight or feel they are fat at certain areas (arms, thighs, stomach etc)
I've done my research and reviewed some exercises so i hope you guys will try this out and let me know if you've found this blogpost useful!
Let's get into then (:

I'm assuming most of my readers are teenagers so i'd like to make an emphasis on this: DO NOT SKIP MEALS 
you need the nutritions in foods to grow taller, build a strong body so that when you're older, you aren't easily tired/fragile!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT SKIP MEALS.
It's all about what you're eating!
If you feel that you're growing fat, then cut down on rice and start filling your stomach up with vegetables.
*if you don't like vegetables, go make some vegetable juice! Blend your vegetables with apples! IT TASTES DELICIOUS AND IT'S HEALTHY TOO (:*

Make sure you still intake your meat and vegetables! have 3 meals a day at least!

i know we all snack hahaha i usually snack when i'm studying :p
We often focus so much on foods and calories, but our emotions are a huge part of our eating habits.
I know many people turn to food when they're sad, happy, stressed etc.
if you do want to snack then snack on healthy foods!
here i did a blogpost on that:


3. Drink plenty of water

if you feel hungry but you just ate your meal, drink water! It will make you feel full that you won't want to eat anything anymore!
I bet most of us don't drink the '8 cups of water a day' that we actually need so this could be a very effective way to keep you hydrated and healthy!

those are just a couple of benefits but i'm sure there are many more! eg. WATER INCREASES YOUR METABOLISM RATE!

4. Keep yourself occupied

Most of us find ourselves turning to food when we're bored so make sure that if you find yourself lazing around, you either go and take a nap or do something else like exercising! Don't lie on the couch and start thinking of everything in your fridge!

I would say try to exercise every day even if it's for less than an hour! I think the most effective way is to do pilates!

so go youtube some pilates workout routines and do them! (:

work on the areas that you feel needs more work! 
we all want that slim summer toned body! 
If you want muscle, you definitely have to eat and gain calories so that when you exercise, it can turn into muscle. **
You can't really work on a thin body! that is why i'm bulking right now, trying to gain more weight haha people think i'm insane for trying to but I want to so who cares! hahaha


that's all i got for now! I did do a lot of exercise/healthy related blogposts already

these are just the links:

anything else more specific you'd like me to touch on you can

ask me:
check me out on
Twitter: @babykyliee
Instagram: babykyliee
Kik: kylieteo


I wish you guys all the best in achieving the healthy body you want! GOOD LUCK (:
sorry if this was such a short blogpost! I can't think of anything else to add, but don't worry! If i do come up with something i'll be sure to update this blogpost!

Wednesday, 14 August 2013


Hi guys! I'm back with another blogpost because i haven't done one in quite awhile. I decided to touch on this topic because I think that i need to explain this CLEARLY to
everyone out there. This is just my opinion on the topic, maybe some
of you can relate to my way of thinking and maybe some of you disagree, but i'm just going to share my feelings about JUDGING.

First things first, judging others is INEVITABLECertain to happen; unavoidable.
It is just how our society is and we just have to accept it. Yes, people say don't judge others when you don't know them but frankly, we all judge each other by the way we look, dress, live our way of life. Judging isn't always bad, it can be good as well. But I think that judging someone's looks is okay but judging BY LOOKS is NOT OKAY.
I know that phrase seems confusing but this is what i mean:

Let's say I see this guy, he isn't the most handsome guy and I think that he isn't that good looking. THIS JUDGING IS OK BECAUSE WE ALL HAVE OUR OWN OPINION ON THINGS. Some guys like thin girls, some guys like fat girls, some girls like chubby guys, some girls like buff guys, people like/love different things/people.

HOWEVER, it's when you judge BY LOOKS. Like you see this girl walking past you or you came across her profile page and she is super pretty, barbie like, lots of makeup, super thin and you just come up with your opinion that she's a slut, whore, bad bitch. THAT IS NOT OKAY. because you just judged her personality based on her looks. That is VERY UNFAIR because you have no right to say that about her. she could be wearing tons of makeup because she feels insecure and it's the only way she feels like she can walk out of the house with her head up high. Maybe she's thin because people used to call her fat and she became obsessive with dieting. You don't know her background and you just assume that she's some kind of slut, whore or bitch? Now THAT IS A TOTALLY UNFAIR JUDGEMENT.

People go by the saying; don't judge me if you're not perfect yourself. Well you see, we all aren't perfect. we all have our flaws. we all don't like our flaws being pointed out so we take it as an offense that someone has "judged" us. I have accepted my flaws and i don't see how people can't accept them too? like they have flaws as well. so accept me for who i am and i will do the same. But just cause of my flaws, doesn't mean i'm a bad person, it doesn't mean i'm a slut. IT DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING. 

This is honestly true, i am OKAY with people calling me ugly/not super pretty/decent only. I am not aiming to be the prettiest girl, i obviously would GLADLY BE but i'm not. If people think i'm not good looking then so be it, but don't say i'm a bad person cause of my looks. Don't judge my personality based on my looks. I have a reason for everything I do. There would DEFINITELY be a pool of people who would disagree to my lifestyle but everyone has their opinions and choices so why can't i have mine? 

A lot of people try to back themselves up saying; only god can judge us etc. It's true. I am a christian so i believe that but I'm telling you in our society, EVERYONE JUDGES. Boys go down the street and judge the girls they see or the other boys they see. Girls go down the street judging other people. It's a normal reaction to look at someone and form your own opinion about them but DO NOT LABEL THEM AS A BAD PERSON JUST CAUSE OF HOW THEY LOOK. 

It's really common and i see this all the time, not only to myself but to other girls as well that the word slut is used a lot and it's quite unfair to say that. Just cause some girls dress a certain way, maybe with a little skin showing and maybe they dare to show a cleavage but they are just flaunting what they have, that doesn't mean they are sleeping around with boys and wasting their life. Maybe they are comfortable with that dressing and maybe you're not. Like i said before, everyone has different opinions and that's why people start to judge.

Yes i admit, i judge people but i never EVER judge someone and say oh she's a slut because she looks like one/ he's a loser just cause he looks like a nerd/ he's buff so he must be some douche bag. I have my own opinion whom i think is good looking or not good looking. Personally i don't see a problem with that. it's like how people say justin bieber is so ugly, but i think he's hot. or miley cyrus is some slut cause she dresses like one, but i think that she's just experimenting and growing up plus she has the means to act that way and she just wants to have fun.

Maybe after reading this, some of you would agree with me and maybe some of you don't. OH well just wanted to share my view on this topic because it's pretty ridiculous on how people make such a big issue on this. if someone calls you ugly, just flip your hair and be bold and beautiful. You only need yourself to feel that way. once you feel that way, and your heart is beautiful, others will see it too and then you will truly be the most beautiful. WE ARE ALL BORN WITH DIFFERENT FACES AND DIFFERENT FEATURES. Accept them and just look your best. Be YOUR best.

That's all i have to say for now so thanks for reading and GOOD LUCK! xx

you can-
ask me:
check me out on
Twitter: @babykyliee
Instagram: babykyliee
Kik: kylieteo



Tuesday, 9 July 2013


hey someone asked me to do a "how to get rid of pimples" blogpost. But I will just generalize it on skincare routines and at the bottom I'll probably let you guys know some products I use to help with my skin!
I don't know if I'm actually the right person to ask because I'm really not flawless and not that an expert on skincare.
But as usual I'm going to just try my best in answering the question and hopefully I have provided some
useful tips or advice to you guys! As usual I'll add in the products I use and recommend, and those that I've used but didn't seem to work out! So let's just get started!

Firstly I think that you must have some basic skincare routine such as cleansing at least twice a day and probably do some extra face masks and exfoliation throughout the week. 
I didn't really bother about my skin that much until I realised how important it really was. I think that most of my money actually is spent on skincare products, besides clothes.
For me, I don't really mind spending a lot of money if it's on a product that is definitely going to help my skin so if you feel like you're really on a budget, I'll try recommending some of the drugstore products I've used before but I don't think they work as well as the other brands I have used.
1. Cleansing
This step is super important and even if you don't wear makeup, when you walk around and be exposed to the air and the minute dust that you can't see, all the impurities and sweat actually somehow get stuck in your pores and sometimes this causes blackheads. Whiteheads are the most common pimples everyone usually has and it's probably because of the natural oil our face produces. Everyone has a different skin type (oily, combination or dry) so when you buy products, please know your skin type first! *Just to let you guys know, I have combination skin*
So let's say you're like me, I wear makeup when I go out. Make sure you have a GOOD MAKEUP REMOVER. THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT. If you don't remove makeup properly, it can lead to some of the products getting stuck in your pores and definitely remove it before you sleep, do not sleep with makeup because you're not letting your skin breathe. It also clogs up your pores while you're sleeping. After removing the makeup, I like to be double sure everything is wiped off so I use my cleanser after removing my makeup. This is called a DOUBLE CLEANSE. Don't cleanse your face too often either! I think that twice a day is just enough! 
Okay so you guys probably would want to know what cleanser i use so these are the ones i have used before and the one I'm currently using right now:

<----the one I'm currently using

2. Exfoliate 
This is something that some people say is optional but I find it very necessary for me because I think that it helps to get rid of my dead skin cells and it helps to remove impurities better and some of my blackheads. It's true that you shouldn't exfoliate so often so I would say maybe once a week is enough for exfoliation, any more than that could lead to dry or irritation of the skin! By exfoliating, you are removing those dead skin cells from the top layer, revealing the smoother skin below and it makes your makeup goes on much smoother as well. If you know your skin is sensitive, then do look for products which has fruit derived enzymes in them such as pumpkin or papaya. 
So these are the ones which I have used before! The lush one is the one I'm currently using and I am definitely a LUSHIE!

3. Moisturize 
Again this is another step where people tell me I don't actually have to do because I'm still young and don't really need to do it but I still do think it's quite important because my skin does get dry easily. I usually moisturize before I put on my makeup and also before I sleep. It keeps the oils in your skin regulated! If you're someone with normal skin then you'd probably have to only do it before you sleep. But if you're someone with oily or dry skin, I think that moisturizing is an essential step. I know some people with oily skin thinks that moisturizing is not necessary for them because their face is so oily already but in actual fact, it IS STILL NECESSARY. Your skin will sense the drop in essential oils that the face needs to keep hydrated, thus creating excess oil to replenish the essential oils which obviously leads to excess oil on the face. Hence, moisturizing would prevent that from happening! Personally I don't really like using a cream based, I prefer a gel based moisturizer so this is my ultimate favourite and the only one I've been using ever since! But like i said before, everyone's skin type is different so you need to buy one that is suited for YOU.

4. Face masks
It is recommended to use face masks at least once a week. It helps to hydrate your skin, moisturize it and ease skin irritation! Face masks can be either smoothing or energizing to the skin but it's definitely a stress reliever! All masks should be applied to a freshly cleaned face, rinsed with warm water. When it is time to rinse the mask, do so in cold water. This will help close the pores, protecting them against oil and dirt, and also energize your face. Many people like to make their own face masks at home, you can always go to youtube to search for tutorials for your type of skin but nowadays I don't really have the time to make masks anymore so I just buy them! I only use lush masks because they are all natural ingredients and I find that my skin prefers that instead of the chemicals used in other masks!

I think that these few steps will already minimize the formation of more pimples! But for the sake of those who already have acne problems or a lot of pimples, I will recommend more products! PLEASE DO NOTE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ACNE AND PIMPLES.

Okay so you know we have blemishes or acne scarring so there isn't a way to remove it overnight unless you go lazer it off but there is something that will slowly help reduce it if you keep applying it everyday. That is VITAMIN E cream. THIS THINGS IS MAGIC TO ME. I used to have a huge scar on my knee and it was one huge circle because I fell down. After applying the vitamin e cream, it has totally disappeared! I forgot how many months it took to disappear but the fact that is gone really amazes me, I use it for the scars I got on my face. It's definitely something I would recommend to everybody!!

this is the one i used:


You know sometimes we get whiteheads but they aren't fully ready to pop yet, it's just like a hopeless bump and you feel like getting rid of it. Well people say to "dry" the pimple out. This is a product that i use, it's quite pricy and it's available in sephora! PLEASE READ THE BOTTLE CAREFULLY OR RESEARCH ON HOW TO USE IT BEFORE YOU ACTUALLY USE IT CAUSE MY SISTER USED TO SHAKE THE BOTTLE BEFORE USING IT WHEN IT CLEARLY STATED NOT TO SHAKE -__-
So here's the product: 

That's all I have for now, as usual if i have anything to add on I will definitely update my blog! Hope some of you guys found this useful!! 


you can-
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check me out on
Twitter: @babykyliee
Instagram: babykyliee
Kik: kylieteo
