monsters who came

Tuesday, 9 July 2013


hey someone asked me to do a "how to get rid of pimples" blogpost. But I will just generalize it on skincare routines and at the bottom I'll probably let you guys know some products I use to help with my skin!
I don't know if I'm actually the right person to ask because I'm really not flawless and not that an expert on skincare.
But as usual I'm going to just try my best in answering the question and hopefully I have provided some
useful tips or advice to you guys! As usual I'll add in the products I use and recommend, and those that I've used but didn't seem to work out! So let's just get started!

Firstly I think that you must have some basic skincare routine such as cleansing at least twice a day and probably do some extra face masks and exfoliation throughout the week. 
I didn't really bother about my skin that much until I realised how important it really was. I think that most of my money actually is spent on skincare products, besides clothes.
For me, I don't really mind spending a lot of money if it's on a product that is definitely going to help my skin so if you feel like you're really on a budget, I'll try recommending some of the drugstore products I've used before but I don't think they work as well as the other brands I have used.
1. Cleansing
This step is super important and even if you don't wear makeup, when you walk around and be exposed to the air and the minute dust that you can't see, all the impurities and sweat actually somehow get stuck in your pores and sometimes this causes blackheads. Whiteheads are the most common pimples everyone usually has and it's probably because of the natural oil our face produces. Everyone has a different skin type (oily, combination or dry) so when you buy products, please know your skin type first! *Just to let you guys know, I have combination skin*
So let's say you're like me, I wear makeup when I go out. Make sure you have a GOOD MAKEUP REMOVER. THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT. If you don't remove makeup properly, it can lead to some of the products getting stuck in your pores and definitely remove it before you sleep, do not sleep with makeup because you're not letting your skin breathe. It also clogs up your pores while you're sleeping. After removing the makeup, I like to be double sure everything is wiped off so I use my cleanser after removing my makeup. This is called a DOUBLE CLEANSE. Don't cleanse your face too often either! I think that twice a day is just enough! 
Okay so you guys probably would want to know what cleanser i use so these are the ones i have used before and the one I'm currently using right now:

<----the one I'm currently using

2. Exfoliate 
This is something that some people say is optional but I find it very necessary for me because I think that it helps to get rid of my dead skin cells and it helps to remove impurities better and some of my blackheads. It's true that you shouldn't exfoliate so often so I would say maybe once a week is enough for exfoliation, any more than that could lead to dry or irritation of the skin! By exfoliating, you are removing those dead skin cells from the top layer, revealing the smoother skin below and it makes your makeup goes on much smoother as well. If you know your skin is sensitive, then do look for products which has fruit derived enzymes in them such as pumpkin or papaya. 
So these are the ones which I have used before! The lush one is the one I'm currently using and I am definitely a LUSHIE!

3. Moisturize 
Again this is another step where people tell me I don't actually have to do because I'm still young and don't really need to do it but I still do think it's quite important because my skin does get dry easily. I usually moisturize before I put on my makeup and also before I sleep. It keeps the oils in your skin regulated! If you're someone with normal skin then you'd probably have to only do it before you sleep. But if you're someone with oily or dry skin, I think that moisturizing is an essential step. I know some people with oily skin thinks that moisturizing is not necessary for them because their face is so oily already but in actual fact, it IS STILL NECESSARY. Your skin will sense the drop in essential oils that the face needs to keep hydrated, thus creating excess oil to replenish the essential oils which obviously leads to excess oil on the face. Hence, moisturizing would prevent that from happening! Personally I don't really like using a cream based, I prefer a gel based moisturizer so this is my ultimate favourite and the only one I've been using ever since! But like i said before, everyone's skin type is different so you need to buy one that is suited for YOU.

4. Face masks
It is recommended to use face masks at least once a week. It helps to hydrate your skin, moisturize it and ease skin irritation! Face masks can be either smoothing or energizing to the skin but it's definitely a stress reliever! All masks should be applied to a freshly cleaned face, rinsed with warm water. When it is time to rinse the mask, do so in cold water. This will help close the pores, protecting them against oil and dirt, and also energize your face. Many people like to make their own face masks at home, you can always go to youtube to search for tutorials for your type of skin but nowadays I don't really have the time to make masks anymore so I just buy them! I only use lush masks because they are all natural ingredients and I find that my skin prefers that instead of the chemicals used in other masks!

I think that these few steps will already minimize the formation of more pimples! But for the sake of those who already have acne problems or a lot of pimples, I will recommend more products! PLEASE DO NOTE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ACNE AND PIMPLES.

Okay so you know we have blemishes or acne scarring so there isn't a way to remove it overnight unless you go lazer it off but there is something that will slowly help reduce it if you keep applying it everyday. That is VITAMIN E cream. THIS THINGS IS MAGIC TO ME. I used to have a huge scar on my knee and it was one huge circle because I fell down. After applying the vitamin e cream, it has totally disappeared! I forgot how many months it took to disappear but the fact that is gone really amazes me, I use it for the scars I got on my face. It's definitely something I would recommend to everybody!!

this is the one i used:


You know sometimes we get whiteheads but they aren't fully ready to pop yet, it's just like a hopeless bump and you feel like getting rid of it. Well people say to "dry" the pimple out. This is a product that i use, it's quite pricy and it's available in sephora! PLEASE READ THE BOTTLE CAREFULLY OR RESEARCH ON HOW TO USE IT BEFORE YOU ACTUALLY USE IT CAUSE MY SISTER USED TO SHAKE THE BOTTLE BEFORE USING IT WHEN IT CLEARLY STATED NOT TO SHAKE -__-
So here's the product: 

That's all I have for now, as usual if i have anything to add on I will definitely update my blog! Hope some of you guys found this useful!! 


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Instagram: babykyliee
Kik: kylieteo


Friday, 5 July 2013

Popular fashion trends of 2013

     Hey guys! I'm back with a fashion blog for all for you as more than one person has requested me to do a blog about fashion. Hence, 
I have decided to do one about the recent trends this year! Hope you find this useful
 and can use this as a guideline to help you out in your own fashion style! Let's just get into it then! :)

1. Peplum keeps on appearing on dresses, blazers, tops, skirts and what they do is to make your outfit look more feminine. It also will accentuate your waist as it hides your hips! It makes your waist look tiny since that's where it squeezes you the tightest. If you wear it with skinny jeans, it should make you look slim and toned all over! Here's some examples: 

2. Oriental Prints seems to always be in trend! Wear these prints on the bottom (skirts/shorts)! A full print top could be overwhelming so if you do wear it, pair it with a something that is solid red, black or white for a pop of colour! Here's some examples: 

3. Unexpected Cutouts are such a sexy trend. Cutouts can be found on the chest, stomach, hips or the back. It's really for those who don't mind showing a little skin, still looking sexy and classy. It's even appearing in swimsuits as well!
Here's some examples:

4. Crop Tops and Bralets were in trend last year and became a super-hot trend ever since! It's definitely something that you should pair with a high waisted short/skirt/jeans or a maxi skirt!
Check them out! I think it's so cute!

5. Same pattern for tops and bottoms! You think it may look weird at first but I think it's actually really cool and pretty! See it for yourself!

6. Another recent trend is definitely wearing overalls! It hasn't been in fashion for awhile but it has came back this year with a huge blow! You can see people wearing it all the time! It's for a casual simple outfit! Definitely something cute!

7. Numbered shirts are also very in! They give a very casual and not too sporty look! They can be found as normal t-shirts or even crop tops! You can pair them with almost everything!!

8. Hologram accessories and clothing is something that gives a little shine and colour to one's outfit! It's definitely on the wild side and it will definitely catch another person's eye! 

9. Lace if you want a feminine, delicate and more romantic look this summer, then the lace is great for you.

10. Transparency is very in! Transparent dresses; skirts, blouses, tops, coats, capes, and even parts of footwear and bags are characteristic elements of the spring/ summer 2013 fashion.

There you go that's all the ones that i can think of right now! If I ever think of more I would definitely update this blogpost again! Hope you guys found this interesting and useful! It was really fun for me to do some research, flipping through magazines to search for the trends this year! I'm pretty sure there are many more but these are the ones I have noticed!


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Twitter: @babykyliee
Instagram: babykyliee
Kik: kylieteo


Wednesday, 3 July 2013

How to get a flat stomach?

How to get a flat stomach?

A lot of people have been asking why am I so thin and what do I do to be so skinny. Most people think that to be skinny is to go on a diet and to starve yourself but actually you don't really have to do that. It is unhealthy to go on diets at such a young age. Exercising does play a part in keeping your body in shape. 

Today, I have 7 advices to share with you guys, just some things that I do on my own to have a FLAT STOMACH. If you're already thin like me, this will help get you a flat stomach but if you're a bit chubbier than me and you do this, this might not make you as thin as I am. These are just ways for a flat stomach.

1. To drink water before and after every meal.

I'm sure a lot of you have heard that water is good for your skin and health. It hydrates you and cleanses toxins from you. But by drinking water before and after meals, it fills your stomach up and when you eat the right food which combines with water, it makes you feel full so that you don't start gobbling down unhealthy snacks after meals. This is like compacting your stomach and making you eat lesser, in such a way where you have your normal meals but you will not still feel hungry after.

2. To do abs exercises 

This is what I do at the gym mostly, other than a few weights and being on the treadmill. Abs exercises such as sit ups. This is to build your stomach muscle and a structured core. I'm not talking about doing just like 50 situps, you probably have to do 200-300 a day. It is possible if you do it throughout the day and not all at once. So you can do it in the morning then maybe in the afternoon when you watch tv and before you sleep :)

3. Not eating 3-4 hours before bedtime

This advice is one that I do not follow super often because I always get hungry and crave for supper. But for those of you who can, try to. I don't have a bedtime but you guys should sleep early! For me, if I am sleeping at 12 midnight, I don't eat after 8pm. Let me explain. If you eat before bed, your body will turn that food into fats WHILE you're sleeping. Yes, when you're sleeping you are burning calories, just not as fast as exercising. So, if you do not have food in your stomach before bed, your body will not try to store excess fat thus, you will not be gaining weight. 

4. Avoid Sugars, Wheats and Whites

why? because they give you fats. Not the good kind of fats but the fats that you do not want excess of. If we do not exercise after eating these things, they will cause insulin resistant which are the ones that help us store fats. Sugars cause loading, they will gain water so there is loading up in our intestines. Sugar molecules will like attach itself to water molecules and make your stomach look more bloated up, because the weight of the molecule is heavier. 

5. To eat meals that are the size of a battle fist

I know it's a small portion but this will make sense in awhile. Most of you think that I don't eat a lot during meals but what you don't know is that I eat more than 3 meals a day. By eating a small portion every hour of the day or something, this causes our stomach not to expand more. This is because our stomach IS the size of a battle fist and when we eat more than that, it make our stomach expand and contract. This creates the bulge we see on our stomach even for some of you who ARE THIN. By not making our stomach expand so much, we will result in a flatter stomach!

6. Try to have a liquid diet?

I don't mean to just drink all your meals by blending it up. But maybe you can start by stop eating your fries and burgers, but have soups and smoothies. Try avoiding sugars so like maybe you can try blending your juices. I don't really like vegetables. Face it, i hate it.  What I do is actually make blend some vegetable and apples together and just drink it. By having sort of a liquid diet, there won't be a bulge in your intestines and they can absorb the foods easier and quicker. This makes your stomach flatter and you won't feel bloated. 

7. Eat the right food

Most of us, especially when we go out with friends, we usually go ahead and eat fast foods, frozen yogurts, ice creams the cheapest foods we can find so our money can be spent on other things like shopping :p But that is REALLY BAD. You can eat those once in awhile but not too often. If you get hungry try and turn to fruits for snacks instead of your chips, chocolates etc. 

Hope this was helpful to you guys. I have tried this out and this is what I do everyday of my life. I hope it works out for people who are going to try this. It takes commitment and you can't just do this on and off. 


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Instagram: babykyliee
Kik: kylieteo
